Nigeria oil and gas concessions map and licenses www
Nigeria oil and gas concessions map and licenses www

nigeria oil and gas concessions map and licenses www

These are the main services offered by Selby Geo-Prospects.

nigeria oil and gas concessions map and licenses www

to have detailed geological information about an oil and gas field? to know how much oil and gas is present in a possible oil and gas field?ģ. to have more information about areas which are already being drilled?Ģ. Which topic is relevant if a company would like…ġ. Answer the questions which topic is relevant if a company would like…:

nigeria oil and gas concessions map and licenses www

Read an extract from the attachment sent by Paul Selby. Managing Director, Selby Geo-Prospects Ltd I have attached an updated list of our main petroleum geology services. If you would be interested in seeing our findings on more than 20 prospects in offshore West Africa, I would be delighted to make an appointment to present and discuss them in greater depth. We have continued to do research offshore of Cameroon, as well as of Gabon and Equitorial Guinea, and we have now teamed up with a seismic company, Exploration Geosciences. A number of other companies have drilled wildcats and over a dozen wells are now producing. In the end, you decided not to invest in this area, but as you will know, it has become apparent since then that there are some excellent prospects here.


I contacted you just over two years ago and you were good enough to allow me time to show you some data we had assembled on prospects in the Ngosso and Iroko license areas off the coast of Cameroon. Read an e-mail written by a consultant petroleum geologist, Paul Selby, to the manager of the Exploration Division of a large oil and gas company in Qatar, Adel Al-Jalawi. Geological Consulting to the Oil and Gas Industry

Nigeria oil and gas concessions map and licenses www